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This month’s Shoutout goes to

Signa Advisors

“Making the complex, simple”

Unlocking Possibilities with Signa Advisors

Have you ever wondered about the pioneers who laid the groundwork for B-BBEE advisory in South Africa?

Meet Signa Advisors, a consulting company that set the stage long before B-BBEE codes became enshrined in law back in 2004. 

“Our team consists of the most skilled B-BBEE Advisors with the deepest experience of B-BBEE Advisory in South Africa. We have been involved in B-BBEE from its conception. Some of our team members formed part of the initial team that drafted the legislation. Our technical expertise is the best in the industry.” – Madile Mofammere, General Manager

Complete Transformation Solutions

Through focused analysis, Signa Advisors determines a company’s current B-BBEE status. From there they build a well-formulated, cost-effective sustainable strategy that aligns with professional, strategic, and holistic principles. Advisors assist clients in meeting their targets for economic transformation, positively impacting individuals and the business ecosystem.

What sets Signa Advisors apart?

The heart of Signa Advisors lies in offering a full range of quality BEE advisory services that address all elements of the B-BBEE scorecard. Their approach enables corporates to reach secure outcomes of growth and maximised returns with impactful, sustainable contributions that will positively move the needle for a better South Africa.

A Holistic Touch

Signa Advisors integrated approach includes:

a)         B-BBEE transformation advice on:

-           B-BBEE Score Analysis and Maximisation.

-           B-BBEE Scenario Planning.

b)         Tailor-made B-BBEE Compliance Solutions.

c)         Ownership and Equity structuring.

d)         Procurement and Supplier Development solutions.

e)         Enterprise Development projects.

f)          Verification facilitation.

g)         Skills Development and Training solutions.

h)         Socio-Economic Development solutions.

i)          Youth Employment Services.

j)          Sector-specific transformation research and impact advisory.


Signa Advisors isn’t just a service provider, they are architects of positive change and commitment to transforming business for a better South Africa.


To learn more about Signa Advisors, click here

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